- Computational Journalism | Sep - Dec 2018
Final project, prototypes and writing done as part of the course - Frontiers of Computational Journalism with Prof. Jonathan Stray
- Data Visualization | Jan - May 2018
Visualizations and final project demo done during the course - ARCH 4892 Data Visualization with Prof. Agnes Chang
- 3D Visualization | Jan - May 2018
3D modeling and AR application developed as part of the course - COMS 4172 3D UI and Augmented Reality with Prof. Steve Feiner
- Rakt: Blood Bank App
Application for hospitals and bloodbanks to track blood unit transfers across multiple institutions and donor types.
- Go Trucks: Vendor-Buyer Connect App
Application that provides a platform that enables mobile businesses (such as food trucks, local farmers at farmer's markets, etc.)
- IoT + Blockchain - Undergraduate thesis | Jan - May 2017
Created a pollution monitoring system to store IoT data in a public blockchain using IBM Hyperledger in order to levy tax on high carbon emissions
Submitted paper - 'Blockchain based Secure IoT architectures : A Pollution monitoring case study' - to IEEE Internet of Things Journal
with Prof. Ranjani Parthasarathi
- Hardware projects | 2016
Plant monitor using Arduino to measure and control the water, light and heat levels in an indoor plant.